Sunday, September 27 – Saturday, October 3, 2020:

Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various locations.
Installation of plain cement concrete (PCC) sidewalk at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Esther Place SE.
Installation of straight granite curb at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, 4th Street SE and Esther Place SE.
Installation of circular granite curb at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation plain cement concrete (PCC) foundation for traffic signals at southbound Raleigh Street SE and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Removal of trees at northbound left-side of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of plain cement concrete (PCC) sidewalk at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and various locations.
Installation of plain cement concrete (PCC) gutter at Esther Place SE, 4th Street SE and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of wheelchair ramp at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Esther Place SE.
Installation of pervious concrete sidewalk at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of traffic signal and traffic cabinet foundation at Esther Place SE, Raleigh Street SE and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Sunday, September 20 – Saturday, September 26, 2020:

Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various locations.
Installation of PVC electrical conduits at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of straight granite curb at Parkland Place SE, Raleigh Street SE, 5th Street SE toward Alabama Avenue SE and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of plain cement concrete (PCC) gutter at Parkland Place SE, Raleigh Street SE, Esther Place SE, 5th Street SE toward Alabama Avenue SE and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of wheelchair ramp at Parkland Place SE, Raleigh Street SE, Esther Place SE, 5th Street SE toward Alabama Avenue SE and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE in front of the ice cream parlor.
Continued construction activities for bio-retention at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, Lebaum Street SE and Raleigh Street SE.
Installation of circular granite curb at Parkland Place SE, Raleigh Street SE and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of single catch basin.
Installation of reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of driveway at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE at the King gas station.
Installation of pervious concrete sidewalk at 5th Street SE, Raleigh Street SE, Parkland Place SE, Malcolm X Avenue SE, Mellon Street SE, Lebaum Street SE and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Sunday, September 13 – Saturday, September 19, 2020:

Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various location.
Continued construction activities for bio-retention at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Installation of a storm connection pipe between different manholes.
Installation of straight granite curb at Lebaum Street SE, Mellon Street SE southbound, Parkland Street SE, Raleigh Street SE, 5th Street SE and Alabama Avenue SE.
Installation of circular granite curb at Lebaum Street SE and Mellon Street SE, southbound at 2nd driveway.
Installation of PCC gutter at Lebaum Street SE, Mellon Street SE southbound, Parkland Street SE, Raleigh Street SE, Alabama Avenue SE and 5th Street SE.
Sunday, September 6 – Saturday, September 12, 2020:

Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various location.
Continued construction activities for bio-retention Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE and Raleigh Street SE.
Removal of trees southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Continued construction of manhole between Cypress Street SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Installation of the basin connect pipe at Parkland Place SE and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE southbound between Lebaum Street SE and Cypress Street SE.
Installation of the triple catch basin at Parkland Place SE and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE northbound.
Installation of pervious concrete sidewalk at Parkland Place SE, Malcolm X Avenue SE, Mellon Street SE, Lebaum Street SE and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE northbound sidewalk.
Installation of the double catch basin southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Parkland Place SE next to Crown gas station.
Continued construction on temporary pavement restoration from manhole to existing manhole southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Sunday, August 30 – Saturday, September 5, 2020:

Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various location.
Installation of gutter at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE between Raleigh Street SE and 5th Street SE.
Installation of granite straight curb at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE between Raleigh Street SE and 5th Street SE.
Installation of electrical PVC conduit at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 5th Street SE.
Installation of bicycle ramps at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, Raleigh Street SE and the corner of 5th Street SE.
Installation of basin connect pipe between Lebaum Street SE, southbound Cypress Street SE and Parkland Street SE.
Continued construction activities for pervious sidewalk located at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, Randle Place SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Installation of catch basin and construction of manhole.
Furnished and installed the double catch basin at southbound Martin Luther King Jr Avenue SE and Parkland Street SE.