JUNE 2021
Sunday, June 27 – Saturday, July 3, 2021:
Splicing and pulling cables at various locations.
Watering of sod on the corner of southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Mellon Street SE.
Installation of push buttons at various locations.
Sunday, June 20 – Saturday, June 26, 2021:
Splicing and pulling cables at various locations.
Removal and the installation of signs at different locations on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Watering sod from 4th Street SE to Milwaukee Place SE on northbound and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE including median.
Installation of flexi pave on sidewalk area southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE between building 3101 and Raleigh Street SE corner.
Sunday, June 13 – Saturday, June 19, 2021:
Splicing and pulling cables at various locations.
Installation of trash receptacle on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Milwaukee Place SE and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Installation of signs at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 4th Street SE and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 5th Street SE.
Installation of electrical cables and various traffic signal items at various locations.
Watered sod from 4th Street SE to Milwaukee Place on northbound and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE including median.
Sunday, June 6 – Saturday, June 12, 2021:
Installation of various traffic signal items at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Milwaukee Place SE and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Preparation for the installation of sod at various locations.
Installation of trash receptacles at various locations.
Installation of sod on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE from 4th Street SE to Parkland Street SE and from Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE to Milwaukee Place SE.
Sunday, May 30 – Saturday, June 5, 2021:
Installation of bike racks northbound of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE from 4th Street SE to Cypress Street SE.
Installation of concrete slabs for support under the trash receptacles on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE from 4th Street SE to Cypress Street SE.
Installation of electrical cables and various traffic signal items at various locations.
Installation of signs at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, 4th Street SE, 5th Street SE and Cypress Street SE.