MAY 2020
Sunday, May 24 – Saturday, May 30, 2020:
Excavated and backfilled trenches for encased electrical conduits for streetlights and traffic signals at various locations.
Installed PVC conduits (duct bank) in the northbound lane of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE from Raleigh Street SE to Parkland Place SE.
Installed manholes at Alabama Avenue SE and 5th Street SE.
Installed manhole at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Raleigh Street SE.
Installed manhole in the southbound lane of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE in front of the Crown Gas Station.
Installed manholes in the southbound lane of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE at Cypress Street SE along Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installed RCP from the existing manhole at the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Esther Street SE to the proposed catch basin on the east side of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Placed plain cement concrete (PCC) base on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE near the intersection of Raleigh Street SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Encased conduit from the traffic manhole.
Placed concrete base on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE between Alabama Avenue and Raleigh Street SE.
Sunday, May 17 – Saturday, May 23, 2020:
Set up maintenance of traffic for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE from Lebaum Street to the entrance of St. Elizabeth.
Saw cutting in preparation for trench excavation.
Excavation of trenches for encased electrical conduits for streetlight and traffic signals at various locations on northbound lane of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Placement of cement concrete base in northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE near 5th Street SE.
Installation of PVC conduits (duct bank) at various locations on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of manholes at various locations.
Installation of RCP from manhole to manhole at 5th Street SE and Alabama Avenue Se.
Placed graded aggregate base on northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE to existing manhole at Raleigh Street SE.
Sunday, May 10 – Saturday, May 16, 2020:
Set up maintenance of traffic for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE from Lebaum Street to the entrance of St. Elizabeth.
Saw cutting in preparation for trench excavation.
Excavation of trenches for encased electrical conduits at various locations on northbound lane of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Placement of cement concrete base on northbound lane of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of PVC conduits (duct bank) at various locations on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of manholes at various locations.
Placed graded aggregate base on northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Sunday, May 3 – Saturday, May 9, 2020:
Set up traffic controls for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE from Lebaum Street to the entrance of St. Elizabeth.
Placed PCC base on northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Saw cutting in preparation for trench excavation for electrical conduit.
Trench excavation for encased electrical conduits at various locations on northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installed PVC conduits (duct bank) at various locations in the northbound lanes of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Placed graded aggregate base on northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Excavated test pit at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 4th Street SE.
Removed the tree and stump at 5th Street SE on the island wand between Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Alabama Avenue SE.
Installed sewer manholes in the northbound lane of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.