Sunday, August 23 – Saturday, August 29, 2020:

Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various location.
Installed of basin connect pipe at Cypress Street SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Continued construction activities for previous sidewalk located at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE at the alley and sidewalk section of Mellon Street SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Continued construction of manhole.
Installation of plain cement concrete (PCC) sidewalk at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE from Parkland Street SE to Malcolm X Avenue SE and at Mellon Street SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Replaced and installed double catch basin at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Esther Street SE.
Replacement and installation of driveway at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Installation of gutter northbound Martin Luther King Jr Avenue SE and Lebaum Street SE at driveway entrance.
Completed the installation of plain cement concrete (PCC) foundation for traffic signal pendant post on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, Malcolm X Avenue SE and northbound Randle Street SE.
Removal of the existing ground sign southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and the corner of Esther Street SE.
Construction of manhole between Cypress Street SE, Lebaum Street SE, 4th Street SE and northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Furnished and installed triple catch basin.
Installation of PVC encased electrical conduit at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of project signs at Milwaukee Avenue SE, northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 4th Street SE.
Sunday, August 16 – Saturday, August 22, 2020:

Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various location.
Installation and construction of bioretention.
Installation of plain cement concrete (PCC) wheelchair and bicycle ramp at the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE northbound.
Installation of gutter on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE northbound.
Prep-work continued on sidewalk located at alley between Lebaum Street SE, Mellon Street SE and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE northbound.
Continued construction of manhole northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of circular granite curb at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE at Raleigh Street SE, northeast corner and at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Randle Place SE northbound.
Installation of granite straight curb at northbound Martin Luther King Jr Avenue SE and Randle Place SE.
Installation of concrete sidewalk at Randle Place SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Installation of reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) between Cypress Street SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Sunday, August 8 – Saturday, August 15, 2020:

Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various location.
Installation of a miscellaneous fence at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE & Malcolm X Avenue SE & north side & northbound Martin Luther King Jr Avenue SE & Malcolm X Avenue SE south side.
Removal of tress at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of the granite curb and gutter at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Installation PVC conduits (duct bank) at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Installation of portable traffic signal bases at northbound Martin Luther King Avenue Jr. SE on the northeast and southeast corner of Malcolm X Avenue SE and eastbound Raleigh Street SE on the southeast corner.
Installation of plain cement concrete (PCC) wheelchair/bicycle ramp at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Installation of plain cement concrete (PCC) gutter at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Replaced driveway on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Installation of granite straight curb and plain cement concrete (PCC) gutter at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE northbound.
Repaired plain cement concrete (PCC) bus pad at northbound Martin Luther King Jr Avenue SE.
Installation of bioretention at northbound Martin Luther King Avenue Jr. SE.
Installation of plain cement concrete (PCC) foundation for traffic signals/pendent post and light pole at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE at Malcolm X Avenue SE on the southeast corner.
Placement of driveway at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE across from Parkland Street SE and northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE across from Mellon Street SE.
Sunday, August 2 – Saturday, August 8, 2020:

Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various location.
Furnished and installed double catch basin.
Installation of bioretention on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, Malcolm X Avenue SE and Randle Place SE northbound.
Furnished and installed PVC conduits (duct bank) at various points on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of portable traffic signal bases at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE on the corner of Malcolm X Avenue SE and eastbound Raleigh Street SE, on the corner.
Installation of granite curb and gutter on northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE between Mellon Street SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Installation of reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Furnished and installed triple catch basin eastbound Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Removal of a tree eastbound Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Continued construction and worked on manhole connections.