JULY 2020
Sunday, July 26 – Saturday, August 1, 2020:
Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Ave SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various locations.
Installation of bioretention northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE from Raleigh Street SE.
Installed and backfilled reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Randle Street SE.
Cut down trees northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Furnished and installed PVC conduits (duct bank) on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, Lebaum Street SE and 4th Street SE.
Placed graded aggregate base (GAB) at Raleigh Street SE and Randle Street SE.
Furnished and installed plain cement concrete (PCC) foundation for traffic signal, bicycle and wheelchair.
Installed granite curb and gutter on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, 5th Street SE and Randle Street SE.
Installed standard catch basin at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Sunday, July 19 – Saturday, July 25, 2020:
Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installed permanent maintenance of traffic (MOT) for phase two activities.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various locations.
Installed and backfilled reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Cut down trees on northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Furnished and installed PVC conduits (duct bank) on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE at Raleigh Street SE and Randle Place SE.
Placed graded aggregate base (GAB) at Lebaum Street SE.
Placed plain cement concrete (PCC) base at Lebaum Street SE.
Installed granite curb and gutter on northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE from 5th Street SE to Raleigh Street SE.
Installed triple catch basin at Martin Luther King Jr Avenue SE.
Furnished and installed manholes on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Sunday, July 12 – Saturday, July 18, 2020:
Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Malcolm X Street SE.
Furnished and installed PVC conduits (duct bank) on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE at the following locations:
Malcolm X Avenue SE
Lebaum Street SE
Mellon Street SE
Furnished and installed double catch basin on northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installed and continued work on various manholes on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Placed graded aggregate base (GAB) on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Mellon Street SE.
Placed plain cement concrete (PCC) base on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE at various locations.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various locations.
Installed reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Sunday, July 5 – Saturday, July 11, 2020:
Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various locations.
Placed graded aggregate base (GAB) at various locations on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE for sewer and electric activities.
Placed PCC base at various locations on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE for electric activities.
Installed RCP pipe.
Furnished and installed PVC conduits (duct bank) at various locations.