JUNE 2020
Sunday, June 21 – Saturday, June 27, 2020:
Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various locations.
Furnished and installed PVC conduits (duct bank) on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE at the following locations:
Malcolm X Avenue SE
Lebaum Street SE
Mellon Street SE
Cypress Street/Milwaukee Place SE (northbound sidewalk)
Placed graded aggregate base (GAB) at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE
and Malcolm X Avenue, SE
Placed plain cement concrete (PCC) base at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE
and Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Furnished and installed manholes on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE at the following locations:
Mellon Street SE
Lebaum Street SE
Malcolm X Ave SE
Sunday, June 14 – Saturday, June 20, 2020:
Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Furnished and installed PVC conduits (duct bank) on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE at the following locations:
Esther Place SE
4th Street SE
Cypress Street/Milwaukee Place SE (northbound sidewalk)
Malcolm X Avenue SE
Furnished and installed a sewer manhole at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Parkland Place SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various locations.
Painted 4-inch double yellow lane markings between 4th Street SE and Esther Place SE on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Placed plain cement concrete (PCC) Base at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Furnished and installed standard double catch basin at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Esther Street SE.
Sunday, June 7 – Saturday, June 13, 2020:
Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installed RCP at 4th Street SE and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Furnished and installed PVC conduits (duct bank) at 4th Street SE and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Furnished and installed electric manhole at Raleigh Street and 5th Street SE (southbound).
Placed PCC base at Milwaukee Place and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Furnished and installed standard double catch basin at 5th Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE (southbound).
Excavated, sawcut, backfilled trenches and completed temporary restoration at various locations.
Installed sewer at 5th Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE (southbound).
Utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Placed graded aggregate base (GAB) at various locations.
Sunday, May 31 – Saturday, June 6, 2020:
Excavated and backfilled trenches and completed temporary restoration at various locations on northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installed PVC conduits (duct bank) on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE at Milwaukee Place SE and Raleigh Street SE.
Installed manhole at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 4th Street SE.
Installed manhole at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 5th Street SE.
Installed RCP from Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 4th Street SE to the catch basin.
Installed standard double basin on southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 4th Street SE catch basin.
Performed test pits at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Raleigh Street SE (next to gas station).
Installed sewer manholes at Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Cypress Street SE.
Placed graded aggregate base (GAB) at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Raleigh Street SE.
Placed concrete base for duct bank at various locations.