Sunday, November 22 – Saturday, November 28, 2020:
Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of PVC electrical conduit southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 4th Street SE.
Construction preparation for pervious sidewalk southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Lebaum Street SE.
Repaired and replaced plain cement concrete (PCC) sidewalk between Lebaum Street SE and southbound Cypress Street SE.
Cleaning and patching of catch basins and brick work for sewer manholes inverts at various locations.
Installation of pull box southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 4th Street SE.
Repaired and replaced brick sidewalk at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Placement of plain cement concrete (PCC) base at directional median at 5th Street SE, Alabama Avenue SE and northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Sunday, November 15 – Saturday, November 21, 2020:
Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Continued the bio-retention construction and bio-retention pond at 4th Street SE and northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of the plain cement concrete (PCC) gutter at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, 4th Street SE at the alley driveway entrance.
Installation of the granite straight curb at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of the plain cement concrete (PCC) foundation for traffic signal/pendant post at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 4th Street SE.
Installation of the PVC electrical conduit at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 4th Street SE.
Structural excavation at directional median at 5th Street SE, Alabama Ave SE and northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Placement of the pins at catch basin tops.
Placement of plain cement concrete (PCC) base, connect of underdrain and connect pipe at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Milwaukee Place SE.
Removal of the traffic signal and light pole foundation at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Raleigh Street SE.
Installation of the plain cement concrete (PCC) foundation for the controller cabinet at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Randle Place SE.
Installation of the temporary pavement marking at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and 5th Street SE.
Completion of the structural excavation at directional median at 5th Street SE, Alabama Avenue SE and northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Eradicating of the yellow stripping at crosswalks 4th Street SE, 5th Street SE and Alabama Avenue SE and double lines at Cypress Street SE and Milwaukee Place SE.
Installation of 6 plain cement concrete (PCC) driveways at northbound 4th Street SE.
Removal of 3 traffic pendant pole foundation and set temporary foundations at the corner of 5th Street SE and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Placement of fill at perimeter of pervious sidewalk located at Malcolm X Avenue SE, Raleigh Street SE and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Completion of the structural excavation restoration of road at directional median at 5th Street SE, Alabama Avenue SE and northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Sunday, November 8 – Saturday, November 14, 2020:
Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of plain cement concrete (PCC) sidewalk at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, eastbound 4th Street SE and Raleigh Street SE.
Continued the bio-retention construction and bio-retention pond at 4th Street SE and northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Removal of the lane markings at 4th Street SE, Alabama Avenue SE, 5th Street SE, Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, Cypress Street SE and Milwaukee Place SE.
Installation of the temporary lane marking at Milwaukee Place SE and Cypress Street SE.
Repaired brick sidewalk at brick edge at Mellon Street SE and southbound Malcolm X Avenue SE.
Placement of fill at perimeter of pervious sidewalk located Malcolm X Avenue SE, Raleigh Street SE and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Completed the placement of concrete base at the double catch basin.
Sunday, November 1 – Saturday, November 7, 2020:
Set up maintenance of traffic (MOT) for utility work on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Sawcut, excavations, trench excavation, backfilling and temporary restoration at various locations.
Preparation for pervious sidewalk located at Mellon Street SE and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of straight granite curb at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, 4th Street SE and the alley driveway entrance.
Installation of plain cement concrete (PCC) gutter at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, 4th Street SE and the alley driveway entrance.
Installation circular granite curb at southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, 4th Street SE and the alley driveway entrance.
Installation wheelchair ramp at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, 4th Street SE and the alley driveway entrance.
Installation of the plain cement concrete (PCC) traffic foundation/pendant post at westbound Malcolm X Avenue and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation of the PVC electric conduit and traffic foundation conduits at southbound corner of Martin Luther King Jr Avenue Jr Avenue SE.
Installation DIP from located between Milwaukee Street SE and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Installation triple catch basin at northbound Milwaukee Street SE.
Installation of bicycle ramps at northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, 4th Street SE, northbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Raleigh Street SE.
Installation white thermoplastic lane marking at several different intersections.
Placement of PVC underdrain connect pipe at 4th Street SE and southbound Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.